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Looking for translation and teaching position. Fluent in English, Chin…

페이지 정보

작성자 m♡m
  • 이름L (2세)
  • 성별여자
  • 이메일
  • 휴대전화
  • 근무지 山东 威海
  • 업/직종 교육
  • 근무형태프리랜서
  • 희망급여 면접후 결정


저는 교육과 번역에 관한 일자리를 찾고 있습니다.

I left school pretty early. I have been studying, traveling, and working in English-speaking countries for most of my young adult life since then. All thanks to my very open-minded parents who encouraged me to chase my dreams and not follow everyone else's suit. Because of the coronavirus, I was not able to return home for almost four years. Only recently, I was able to find a flight and came back home. I am super excited to be back and I am hoping to settle down and start a new life here.

I have over 10 years of experience in teaching English as a second language. In between I also endeavored in the F&B business, and had a couple of very successful cafes in which I was in charge of the concept, interior design, and menus. I also worked in the music industry as a promoter introducing new bands and putting up shows all over Asia. These are incredible experiences for me and through these experiences;I grew to be a creative, strong-minded, but also a flexible person with a very strong work ethic. I can come up with my own teaching materials tailored to students' specific needs. At the same time, I am also capable of teaching with textbooks that are provided by the school.

I speak English fluently in an American accent. I am also a native speaker of Chinese. As for Korean, I speak and read it but cannot type it.
I am very much looking forward to be working with you and please feel free to give me a call or a message.
다하자 게시판에 올려진 광고는 다하자의 의지와는 상관없는 글쓴이 개인행위이며
그 내용을 신뢰하여 발생한 후과에 대해서 다하자는 일체 책임지지 않습니다.
검색어 :
  • 제목
  • 내용
  • 제목+내용
프리미엄 배너광고 광고문의
  • 东莞市艾卡欧服饰有限公司
  • 직도매,도매쇼핑몰,위탁판매,위탁배송
  • 청도은우복장 (青岛恩雨服装有限公司)
일반 인재정보
인재정보 목록
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